We are all prone to ingrown hairs. This is often part of a beauty routine that is not diligent enough or even a bad way of waxing. Catch-up lessons with Puretrend who gives you his 4 tips to avoid them.

1- Opt for exfoliation

An ingrown hair is a hair that cannot pierce the epidermis. This is why it is important to indulge before waxing and in general to exfoliation, whether for the face or for the legs. Your epidermis will thus be rid of dead skin which can prevent good hair regrowth. We advise you to perform a scrub per week or even two if your skin is not the sensitive type.

2- Good hydration is essential

A refined skin texture also requires hydration, which prevents dry crocodile skin. It is essential to go through the hydration step at least once a day. The best time is after the shower. This essential reflex will allow you to maintain the elasticity of your skin without which your hairs cannot grow back easily.

3- Prepare for hair removal

If we say that waxing is the most effective (because it removes the hair and the bulb), shaving or epilator are the most common types of hair removal. These two methods cut only part of the hair and promote ingrown hairs. Whether for your razor or the head of your epilator, remember to clean them well (under water or in 90 ° alcohol) before use to avoid harmful bacteria. Another reflex to have: moisten your skin with hot water so that your pores are dilated and consider using shaving foam for men.

4- Disinfect and treat if necessary

After epilation, your skin should be disinfected using an antiseptic spray. If there are ingrown hairs in spite of everything, above all do not pierce the button formed by one of them. Prefer 90 ° alcohol to place on the area and localized clay masks that will help remove the pimple without leaving scars.

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