Every year since 1977 an international museum day has been celebrated, with a particular theme each year.
This day is an opportunity for museum professionals to meet the general public and raise their awareness of the challenges that museums must face in order to be institutions at the service of society and its development.
This international day takes place every year, in principle on May 18, and carries its motto high: “Museums, an important means of cultural exchange, cultural enrichment, development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples”.
European Night of Museums
In the minds of the general public, museum night has largely dethroned museum day. Ransom of the eponymous film? We don’t know…
Anyway, in 2023 we celebrated the 19th edition of the Night of Museums and it took place on May 13th.
The principle is simple, the museum that you frequent during the day the rest of the year is open all night, to discover the works but also to see animations, concerts, and all kinds of other events…
The Class, the work!
This was the theme chosen for 2023: children will be in the spotlight this year.
The Night of the Museums will once again see children dancing, telling stories, presenting their creations, astonishing visitors.
It is a joint operation of the Ministries of Culture and National Education, Higher Education and Research. It is totally in line with the course of artistic and cultural education of the students.