Author: webmaster

Serves 6: 1 sweet onion, chopped 100g celery sticks 250g of diced green bell pepper (or okra) 2 tablespoons of oil 1 clove of garlic, minced 250g cooked ham in large pieces (or diced chicken) 200g chorizo in slices 400g of tomatoes cut in small quarters 3 cloves 1 bay leaf sauce 1 sprig of thyme 1 tablespoon chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper Tabasco 200g of rice 60 cl chicken stock (homemade or reconstituted with a cube) 15 medium shrimps salt and freshly ground pepper Preparation Heat the oil and fry the onion, celery and bell…

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Ingredients: for 6 to 8 people 600 ml of water 100 gr of sugar 2 small yellow peppers 20 gr minced fresh ginger 1 lemongrass stick 1 combawa leaf 3 basil branches 3 mint branches 5 branches of coriander 20 gr lime juice 45 gr dextrose 2,5 gr special sorbet stabilizer 4 gr gelatin. Bring the water and sugar to a boil and add the seeded peppers. Simmer 4 min. Taste to verify: it must be spicy without “tearing” the mouth. Remove the peppers and pour the syrup over the ginger and chopped herbs. Leave to infuse for 15 min,…

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Every year in France, 6,000 people find out that they are HIV positive. For young people, who see AIDS as a chronic disease, condoms are no longer popular. Would the hood give us the blow of the breakdown? Ask a knowledgeable doctor when was the last major condom study in France, and it’s white. This is how it has proven itself as a contraceptive and prevention tool. 108 million are sold in France each year – a stable figure – and 6 million are distributed free of charge. 80% of the people questioned have a good image of it. “But…

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Don’t miss any hot spots! Instead of going straight ahead, explore every part of your partner’s body. Many people forget that there are erogenous zones all over the body, from head to toe (literally), whereas if you dwell on these zones before getting to the heart of the matter, your partner will be panting with desire! Contrary to popular belief, these points are almost the same for men and women. Touch your partner in the right places … The mouth Since a kiss is often the first point of contact before sex, lingering on your partner’s mouth is a good…

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If there is no age to love yourself, there would be an ideal age to marry according to a very precise mathematical theory. Brian Christian (journalist) and Tom Griffiths (professor of cognitive sciences), co-authors of Algorithms to live by: the computer science of human decisions, worked on the subject and established algorithms applicable to everyday life in order to know which when we were best able to make the right decisions. To marry, it’s 26 years old. A figure obtained thanks to the little-known rule of 37% according to which an individual makes the best choices when he reaches 37%…

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Whether you are a man or a woman, I have a question for you … Have you ever wondered why you are attracted to the opposite sex? In other words, are you fully aware of what physically attracts you to the other person, which parts of their body have a real effect on you? The answer is most certainly yes: you have heard that a small, firm male bottom makes women melt, and women’s breasts attract the tireless eye of men. But let’s go further … Regarding the attraction of women to men, I already had my little idea to…

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After the breast reduction, we had not yet addressed the subject of small breasts on MadmoiZelle. Flo stuck to it and with humor my little lady. Small breasts, or realizing that it is rather badly engaged pectoral speaking My entry into 6th grade (1998) was a series of little traumas that everyone has probably experienced: Buffalo compensated, girls dancing to Billy Crawford at recess and I was learning that sport is a real subject. But above all, who says sport says locker rooms (I add pressure jogging to the list of traumas). And when I undress in the middle of…

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Women would have fewer problems defining – and taking charge of – their sexuality and inclinations than men. According to evolutionary psychologist Dr Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics, women are more comfortable with their sexual preferences since they have had to deal with “polygamous marriages”, as he explains in the publication Biological Reviews. If the two genders – men and women – do not conform to a single sexual identity, Dr. Kanazawa has tried to explain why women are more versatile between homosexuality, heterosexuality or bisexuality to define themselves. “The theory suggests that women do not view…

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Head for the seventies. Each season has its share of retro fashion obsessions. Ours ? Velvet. Voluptuous, plush and just shimmering enough to wow, this material – acclaimed on the catwalks last season – promises to gently ignite our winter wardrobe. Yes, the corduroy pants at the coast and here’s how to wear it. How to wear velvet pants on weekends? Corduroy, is it on the verge of supplanting our favorite denim (unbeatable in the matter)? Once considered obsolete, velvet pants are making a comeback on the fashion scene … Even on weekends. Just to cheer it up gently, put…

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A nitrogen bath at – 200 ° C to firm the body, an edelweiss cream to relax facial features, North Atlantic seaweed to enhance the eye area… Cosmetic treatments are entering the era glacial. Never before has the land of beauty known such a cold episode. The polar wind is blowing in stores, where the benefits of a new category of active ingredients supposed to boost the effectiveness of creams are touted: the plant capable of surviving extreme temperatures. Frozen rays therefore grow, from the most anticipated to the most unexpected species: the edelweiss (Super Soin Solaire Visage, by Sisley,…

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Did you know that the cosmetic products you buy all have an expiration date? This is not trivial, but few women really pay attention to it. But can you use your beauty products for several months without risking your skin and your health? How to store these products, and for how long? Let us try to answer all these questions. Learn to read cosmetic product labels When you buy a moisturizer for the face or a lipstick, you don’t pay much attention to the composition, let alone the expiration date. This is why many women use beauty products when their…

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ecause the ad will say what it wants, sometimes a good mascara isn’t enough. Thicken eyelashes also depends on the right actions and the right tips, hence our obsession at Fork & Bikini: tell you everything about the pro tips to obtain thicker, fuller, more irresistible eyelashes. Thicken eyelashes with the right gestures As for the eyelash curtain, are you far from the mark? We know, and we will tell you only one thing: before healing, preserve. The treatments have no effect for those who abuse their poor eyelashes! Since they can, like the hair, fall out and break under…

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Choosing the right bra is very important. Whether in terms of maintenance (so that your breasts age well) or in terms of aesthetics. Follow the advice of Virginie Chanson, Penderiologist to make the right choice. 1) Measure your back circumference under the chest and refer to the equivalence table that you will see in the video. 2) Measure your chest measurement. Pass the tape measure horizontally at the tip of your chest. To find your cup size, you need to calculate the difference between your chest measurement and your bust measurement (and not the other way around …) and refer…

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The bedroom is not only one of the essential rooms of the house. It can be a reflection of your personality. Here are a few things that can betray certain traits you were trying to hide. 1. The colors The colors you choose to paint your bedroom say a lot about you. Red: you have a passionate, intense and warm side. You probably like adventure and thrills. Green: you need stability. You like quiet moments. Blue: your bedroom is a place of relaxation for you. You like White or paintings instead of paint: you prefer to highlight the things you…

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Whether you are a manicurist or not, having beautiful, clean nails that are well filed is essential in order not to appear neglected. To keep nails healthy, here are 10 reflexes that should become real beauty rules for all girls! Rule # 1: take care of my tools Nail clippers, nail files, cuticle pusher and other scissors must be disinfected before each use, otherwise there is a risk of micro-infections. Even more so if you share them with your family / spouse / roommate ’… they don’t sound like that, but they carry a lot of germs. Yuck! Rule #…

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Orange peel is the fear of many women. To get rid of obnoxious dimples, they often opt for the application of an anti-cellulite cream. But no question of these gentlemen discovering them using these products. This beauty gesture is in twentieth place in the Daily Mail ranking. Get a scrub Men are fascinated by the soft skin of women. But to obtain an epidermis as soft as silk, it must be taken care of and this also involves exfoliation. A practice that women prefer to hide from their companion: it finds itself in eighteenth place of the secrets of shameful…

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The manufacturers of the most modern beauty products did not invent anything, they were inspired by the beauty recipes of our grandmothers. From argan oil to rose water, these secrets are a real legacy passed down from mother to daughter among the Maghreb people. The Maghreb people are reputed to have a sensual and refined world. They are very attached to the softness of their skin, the shine of their hair and the beauty of their eyes. Why then ruin ourselves in cosmetic products, let us instead be inspired by the know-how of yesteryear, rediscover pure raw materials, learn to…

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Victoria Beckham, Amal Clooney and Carine Roitfeld reign in both fashion and work. Focus on these women who combine authority and femininity with their look. Every morning, it’s the same old story. We turn our closet around in the hopes of finding a new outfit idea for the office. Another white shirt with carbon tailored pants and white sneakers? Or the endless blouse combo blouson in a pencil skirt and a pair of pumps when you’re feeling more haughty? Fashionistas also have to grapple with the thorny question of the right outfit for going to work, combining femininity, authority and…

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Whether your hair is naturally wavy or not, curls are a must for all beautistas! The proof: Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez and Katie Holmes love them, and proudly flaunt their curly hair on the red carpet in recent weeks. How to discipline them? First, make sure you prep your hair well to avoid frizz. When they are washed, in order to embrace your natural curls, it is good to use a diffuser on the hair dryer. Put it on low speed or heat, or cold if possible, in order to get well-formed curls. Katie Allan, Creative Manager at Charles Worthington,…

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Aloe vera is becoming more and more popular in the beauty industry. International consumption of this plant is growing steadily, according to recent statistics released by Future Market Insights (IMF). The IMF report reveals that the plant is becoming essential in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. The 2016 international consumption volume is on the verge of exceeding 60,720.4 tonnes, representing $ 1.6 billion. The trend is expected to continue, with international revenues in excess of $ 3.3 billion by 2026. Cosmetics, a key sector of the aloe vera market, will account for 45% of international demand in 2016, an…

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