Author: webmaster

Whether you are a manicurist or not, having beautiful, clean nails that are well filed is essential in order not to appear neglected. To keep nails healthy, here are 10 reflexes that should become real beauty rules for all girls! Rule # 1: take care of my tools Nail clippers, nail files, cuticle pusher and other scissors must be disinfected before each use, otherwise there is a risk of micro-infections. Even more so if you share them with your family / spouse / roommate ’… they don’t sound like that, but they carry a lot of germs. Yuck! Rule #…

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Orange peel is the fear of many women. To get rid of obnoxious dimples, they often opt for the application of an anti-cellulite cream. But no question of these gentlemen discovering them using these products. This beauty gesture is in twentieth place in the Daily Mail ranking. Get a scrub Men are fascinated by the soft skin of women. But to obtain an epidermis as soft as silk, it must be taken care of and this also involves exfoliation. A practice that women prefer to hide from their companion: it finds itself in eighteenth place of the secrets of shameful…

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The manufacturers of the most modern beauty products did not invent anything, they were inspired by the beauty recipes of our grandmothers. From argan oil to rose water, these secrets are a real legacy passed down from mother to daughter among the Maghreb people. The Maghreb people are reputed to have a sensual and refined world. They are very attached to the softness of their skin, the shine of their hair and the beauty of their eyes. Why then ruin ourselves in cosmetic products, let us instead be inspired by the know-how of yesteryear, rediscover pure raw materials, learn to…

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Victoria Beckham, Amal Clooney and Carine Roitfeld reign in both fashion and work. Focus on these women who combine authority and femininity with their look. Every morning, it’s the same old story. We turn our closet around in the hopes of finding a new outfit idea for the office. Another white shirt with carbon tailored pants and white sneakers? Or the endless blouse combo blouson in a pencil skirt and a pair of pumps when you’re feeling more haughty? Fashionistas also have to grapple with the thorny question of the right outfit for going to work, combining femininity, authority and…

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Whether your hair is naturally wavy or not, curls are a must for all beautistas! The proof: Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez and Katie Holmes love them, and proudly flaunt their curly hair on the red carpet in recent weeks. How to discipline them? First, make sure you prep your hair well to avoid frizz. When they are washed, in order to embrace your natural curls, it is good to use a diffuser on the hair dryer. Put it on low speed or heat, or cold if possible, in order to get well-formed curls. Katie Allan, Creative Manager at Charles Worthington,…

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Aloe vera is becoming more and more popular in the beauty industry. International consumption of this plant is growing steadily, according to recent statistics released by Future Market Insights (IMF). The IMF report reveals that the plant is becoming essential in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. The 2016 international consumption volume is on the verge of exceeding 60,720.4 tonnes, representing $ 1.6 billion. The trend is expected to continue, with international revenues in excess of $ 3.3 billion by 2026. Cosmetics, a key sector of the aloe vera market, will account for 45% of international demand in 2016, an…

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How to make your breast bigger? Here is a question that many women ask themselves. And for good reason: many are those who would like to take the breast naturally, without resorting to cosmetic surgery. Do you think that’s impossible? And yet, perfectly natural solutions exist that can help you pump up your breasts. Breasts are one of the greatest complexes of women. Too small or on the contrary, a little too big, rare are the breasts which bring complete satisfaction to those who wear them. Many women suffer from a complex related to their breasts that they consider to…

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We all remember the fake orgasm scene of actress Meg Ryan in the movie When Harry Met Sally. An orgasm of anthology with screams, screams and messy hair! A long minute of false ecstasy over the dumbfounded audience of a New York restaurant on the Lower East Side where Harry and Sally are having lunch. We also remember the sublime line of a woman sitting at the next table asking the waiter, “I’ll have what she’s having”. Now imagine a drug having much the same effect except that it comes at an unexpected time. Rather annoying … Taiwanese sexologists and…

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We are all prone to ingrown hairs. This is often part of a beauty routine that is not diligent enough or even a bad way of waxing. Catch-up lessons with Puretrend who gives you his 4 tips to avoid them. 1- Opt for exfoliation An ingrown hair is a hair that cannot pierce the epidermis. This is why it is important to indulge before waxing and in general to exfoliation, whether for the face or for the legs. Your epidermis will thus be rid of dead skin which can prevent good hair regrowth. We advise you to perform a scrub…

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Plantar reflexology is a manual practice for thousands of years acting on the reflex zones of the foot in connection with all organs and all parts of the body. Honored in China, the foot is in a way the spokesperson for health. A particular foot massage causes an immediate beneficial reaction, giving the body its self-healing power by increasing blood flow. 1- Because “the smile comes from the feet” Pascale Rey affirms: “The foot is an imprint telling our story. Reflecting our physical and mental state of the moment, it alerts us to imbalances that we can avoid transforming into…

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Famous yoga teacher Heidi Kristoffer told Shape about the best yoga poses to perform when going through a breakup. These would help us heal better and faster. 1- The half-twist (Ardha-Matsyendrâsana) Good for your digestive system, the half-twist pose will also allow you to detoxify your body, mind and heart from your ex. To do this, sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend your right leg and pull it over the other so that your right foot is at the level of the left knee or thigh. Pivot the torso to the right by resting your…

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What are the solutions to stop bad breath? Many people complain of having bad breath. The causes can be multiple: cavities, gums, digestion problems … The mouth contains millions of bacteria that must be eliminated to regain good breath. 10 grandma’s tips to keep your breath fresh Brush your teeth after every meal To fight germs in your mouth, it is important to brush your teeth. Do this after each meal if possible, to remove food residues stuck between the teeth that are responsible for bad breath. Clean your tongue It is often forgotten, but the tongue also contains bacteria!…

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Swiss researchers have looked at how women look at each other, during and outside the ovulation period. As a result of shopping, a woman will tend to feel more threatened by another woman if she is ovulating. Do women have danger radar? This is what a study led by Janek Lobmaier of the University of Bern, Switzerland tends to prove. Her team looked at the way women look at each other. To do this, they presented the portraits of fifteen women to a hundred others. They had to evaluate the photo according to two criteria: if the faces were beautiful…

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Precocious puberty is defined as an advanced age of onset relative to The onset of pubic hair may be due to abnormal or premature secretion of hormones (androgens) by the adrenal glands. Being overweight could promote this early onset. The isolated development (= no other symptoms) of the mammary gland is sometimes observed in a 2-3 year old girl, but the nipple and areola are not modified and the vulva remains infantile. We then content ourselves with monitoring the child because the signs generally disappear in two years, but this can also (rarely) progress to genuine precocious puberty. Likewise, the…

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In an assessment released Wednesday, June 15, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which depends on the World Health Organization (WHO), believes that there is no evidence that drinking coffee promotes the development of malignant tumors, but considers that beverages consumed at a temperature of 65 ° C or above are “probably carcinogenic to humans”. “We analyzed a thousand studies, including 500 epidemiological studies,” said Dr Dana Loomis, deputy head of IARC expert meetings. And we haven’t found any evidence that coffee is carcinogenic. This led us to classify this drink in group 3. ”This group includes substances…

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It’s not easy to wear a little summer dress with legs as big as poles or unsightly varicose veins without complex. Fortunately, there are treatments. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Lymphatic drainage This gentle massage of the legs aims to unclog the tissues and empty the lymphatic vessels. Result: a reduction in painful and unsightly swelling. To avoid damage to the lymph nodes, lymphatic drainage should be performed by a therapist trained in this technique. To find a professional: Some thalassotherapy centers (Serge Blanco in Hendaye, Le Royal Barriere in La Baule) also do it. The +: the relief…

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At the very beginning of a relationship, it’s easy to love another. We are still very curious about each other and the couple is growing every day. But at some point, it’s inevitable, obstacles come to test our love. Couples therapists discuss below seven major obstacles that every couple faces, and give us some tips to overcome them.   1. He or she will not be able to take on all roles We expect a lot from him or her: whether he or she is our soul mate, our best friend, our sexual partner, our parental pair, that he or…

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There comes that time of year when the weather gets colder, the holidays are getting closer … And the flu and cold season is in great shape. While most people think the best way to recover from an illness is to stay in bed all day, don’t be surprised if your coworkers come to the office coughing and sneezing. According to a new study by CareerBuilder, because of professional pressures, 62% of French employees come to the office even when they are sick.

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Lommodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis que penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes lorem, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla onsequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo fringilla vel aliquet nec vulputate eget. Lorem ispum dolore siamet ipsum dolor. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumquer nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere.

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Lommodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis que penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes lorem, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla onsequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo fringilla vel aliquet nec vulputate eget. Lorem ispum dolore siamet ipsum dolor. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumquer nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere.

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