4 eggs
2 tablespoons of flour
1 case of maizena
1 packet of baking powder
1 pinch of salt
1 /2 tsp of vanilla
30 g butter for the pan
1 pan of 20 cm diameter

Preparation :
Butter the pan and put to heat on very soft fire
of course break the eggs in a bowl, add the pinch of salt, the cornstarch, the flour, the vanilla and the yeast, mix with a spoon…
Pour into the preheated pan, cover ….
After 8 minutes or so, check if the bottom side is golden by lifting with a spatula
Turn the cake over carefully with the help of the spatula
Cover again and let the other side brown…but still on a very low heat !!!!
Check the cooking as for the cakes, that is to say with the point of a knife which must come out dry….
Slide on a plate and sprinkle generously with honey …

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