How to make your breast bigger? Here is a question that many women ask themselves. And for good reason: many are those who would like to take the breast naturally, without resorting to cosmetic surgery. Do you think that’s impossible? And yet, perfectly natural solutions exist that can help you pump up your breasts.

Breasts are one of the greatest complexes of women. Too small or on the contrary, a little too big, rare are the breasts which bring complete satisfaction to those who wear them. Many women suffer from a complex related to their breasts that they consider to be too small. They don’t live it well, and would like to feel better about themselves. Sometimes they would just like to please their companion. Thus, they are looking for solutions to increase the breast naturally, before considering a heavier operation.

Fenugreek and breast

While it is always beneficial to learn to accept ourselves as we are, a little help from Mother Nature is always welcome! And it seems that the latter has already planned everything, with a perfectly natural solution capable of increasing breast volume. This solution is materialized by fenugreek. Fenugreek is a leguminous plant whose seeds we consume as a spice. We also use it for its medicinal properties. Women have been consuming fenugreek for hundreds of years to beautify and enlarge their breasts naturally. It is therefore used for this purpose, even if the properties of fenugreek are even more numerous.

The effects of fenugreek on the chest

Fenugreek is a plant enriched with nutrients and phytoestrogens (a plant hormone). This is what allows it to stimulate the synthesis of sex hormones in women. More specifically, progesterone and estrogen are the compounds that give fenugreek the power to naturally increase breast size. By stimulating female sex hormones, fenugreek promotes the development of breast size, and will make you grow breast naturally. Plus, it also boosts libido!

What is the relationship between fenugreek and breast? Fenugreek seed is rich in nutrients and protein, which have the effect of stimulating the sex glands of women. Thus, this stimulation generates an increase in the level of estrogen in the body, and mainly in the chest. Among the nutrients that work are lecithin, as well as vitamins C and A, which play an important role in the development of breast tissue and sex glands.

Phytoestrogens and Breast Cancer

In addition, according to a study conducted in 1997 and published the following year in L’Actualité Médicale, phytoestrogens have the effect of preventing the onset of breast cancer (Case-control study of phyto-oestrogens and breast cancer, Ingram D. , Sanders K, Kolybaba M, Lopez D.). Indeed, the findings of the study showed that women who consume phytoestrogens consistently and regularly are less likely to develop breast cancer.

How to use fenugreek for breast enlargement?

Fenugreek can be used in five forms, giving you plenty of choices: powder, seed, cream, oil, and capsules. Whatever form is chosen, the treatment applied should not exceed ninety days, or three months. To obtain visible effects, the treatment should not be interrupted. On the other hand, extending it beyond the three months will not have any real effectiveness.

To make your breast bigger, you can incorporate fenugreek seeds as part of your diet. Fenugreek oil and cream can be used as a massage on your chest once a day. If you decide to opt for food supplements, simply follow the directions on the bottle to complete your treatment.

Other foods to eat

To gain breast naturally, you can also consume fennel, which also has phytoestrogens capable of altering hormone levels in the body. Several clinical studies conducted in 1980 and 1985 demonstrated its effect on estrogen.

Anise, pueraria mirifica and licorice root are also to be consumed to increase breast volume! Finally, burdock improves blood circulation in the chest. This is an herb that you can consume as an infusion.

Exercises to enlarge the chest

There are some physical exercises that can help us grow our breasts naturally. We would tend to think that sport, by promoting weight loss, will also reduce the mass of fat in the breasts. And reduce the volume of these, therefore. And it is absolutely true. However, under the breasts are muscles. Targeting and developing these muscles will help make the chest look more rounded and fuller. So, are you up to the challenge?

The bench press

In general, all the exercises that will have the effect of working the muscles located under the breasts (the large pectorals) should be performed to obtain visible and satisfactory results. Many men use the bench press to build their chest muscles. And women also have every interest in working it! In addition to increasing the volume of the chest, this exercise helps to firm it. But that’s not all: this exercise also has the effect of strengthening the triceps, which are the muscles located at the back of the arms, for a more harmonious result on the upper part of the body.

For this exercise, take care to position yourself well so as not to injure yourself. This is an exercise that is usually only done in the gym, unless you have the necessary equipment. Indoors, you will also benefit from expert advice to help you progress faster. Note that you can also practice it at home with simple dumbbells or a gym elastic.

The pumps

To take breast naturally, push-ups are also a great solution! If you practice it regularly, you will be able to develop your pectorals and thus make your chest bigger. Do not hesitate to alternate the exercises for a complete job and thus obtain the breast of your dreams. Muscular pecs will ensure perfect support for your breasts, which has the effect of making your breasts more toned and firm.

Along with push-ups, you can also perform an exercise that consists of staying supported and touching your shoulders. Do this by facing the floor, with your hands shoulder-width apart and facing forward. Then lift your left hand and bring it over your left shoulder, before placing it back on the floor. Do the same with the other hand. Bend your elbows and lower yourself before pausing and coming back up. Finally, start touching your shoulders again with the opposite hand.

Other exercises to grow the chest

To make your breasts bigger without having to have surgery, you may want to do other exercises that you can do as part of a regular plan, in addition to push-ups and bench press. Dumbbells will be your best allies to grow your chest naturally! Do upward stretches, arcs, or alternating movements with your dumbbells. You can also perform the plank by moving to the side (or by raising your hands alternately) or lifting your body while supporting yourself on a chair. These few exercises will help you to shape your chest, but also to enjoy it!


How to make the breast bigger? With simple massages! Indeed, massaging your breast for ten to twenty minutes a day improves the tone of the breasts and allows them to gain volume. Massage them directly on the pectoral muscle, make circular and very slow movements. Put the odds on your side with essential oils or suitable products, such as cream or fenugreek oil in particular.

Essential oils for breast enlargement

Essential oils are perfectly natural and very powerful products, which should always be used with great care. Some of these oils are good for the breast, and can help us make it bigger in a simple and natural way.

Essential oils

There are several essential oils that can help firm your breasts. Combined with massages, targeted sports exercises and the consumption of fenugreek, these oils can help you get the bulging chest that you want. Essential oils of cypress and lemon balm help firm the skin of the breasts. Cypress oil can have many uses, including reducing cellulite, heavy legs, varicose veins, and water retention. It thus acts on the blood and lymphatic circulation. To apply it, you should mix it with a vegetable oil (preferably daisy or argan) and massage your chest.

Atlas cedar and palmarosa essential oils are also suitable if you are looking to grow your breasts naturally. Both are excellent lymphotonics, so they invigorate the lymphatic system.

Daisy vegetable oil

It is not an essential oil, but a vegetable oil. Still, daisy oil is very beneficial for the breast. It is also called “bellis oil”. Applied daily to clean, dry skin, this oil has the effect of promoting blood circulation. It provides a shaping and toning effect on the bust and chest, which is a real asset when looking to grow your chest naturally! It can be applied daily or alternated with other oils and moisturizers. Two other oils may be as effective as daisy oil. This is argan oil from olive oil, which are oils that are much easier to find on the market.

What you must remember

Cosmetic surgery isn’t the only way to get bigger breasts. Plus, there’s nothing natural about this solution, unlike fenugreek, essential oils, and targeted exercise. Before embarking on an expensive operation, start by trying to take the breast naturally with these simple solutions, and really effective!


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