The Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WB) meet once a year to discuss the work of their respective institutions. These Annual Meetings are usually held in October in Washington and, every three years, in another member country.

The inaugural meeting of the Boards of Governors was held in March 1946 in Savannah, Georgia, United States, and the first Annual Meetings were held that same year in Washington.

During the Annual Meetings, several bodies meet, notably the Development Committee, the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), and the Group of Twenty-Four. At the end of their meetings, the Development Committee and the IMFC, as well as several other groups, publish communiqués. On the program of the Annual Meetings, a plenary session is planned during which the Governors address different themes. The Boards of Governors make decisions on how to deal with current international monetary issues, and approve corresponding resolutions.

The Annual Meetings are chaired by a Governor of the IMF and the World Bank, this presidency being exercised by the member countries in turn from one year to the next.

Bringing together a considerable number of officials from member countries, the Annual Assemblies offer the opportunity to hold more or less extensive consultations, of a formal or informal nature. Numerous seminars also take place on the sidelines of these Assemblies, including sessions organized by the services of the two institutions. These seminars are intended to promote exchange between representatives of the private sector, delegates from member countries and senior officials of the IMF and the World Bank.

Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank 2023 in Marrakech

In October 2018, Morocco was officially designated as the host country of the 2023 Annual Meetings. This designation marks the return of these Annual Meetings to Africa after their first time in Nairobi (Kenya) in 1973 and affirms the positioning of the Morocco on the African continent and the MENA region.

The 2023 edition of the Annual Meetings will be held in Marrakech from October 9 to 15. More than 14,000 high-level participants are expected, including Ministers of Economy and Finance and Governors of Central Banks from the 189 member countries as well as representatives of civil society, the private sector, international media and the academic world.

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